We are passionate about teaching & mentoring.

Fotograf: Rolf Müller
It is our goal to inspire BSc, MSc and MD students with our enthusiasm for cancer research. Interdisciplinarity is our mission bringing together expertise in preclinical and translational cancer research with expertise in mathematical modelling and computational biology.
Thereby we hope that we can contribute to the education of the next generation of clinician scientists.
Accordingly, members of the IEO are regularly involved in the curriculum of our various Bachelor’s and Master’s programs in Life Sciences, the Master’s program in Mathematics, Humanmedizin (Medical School) as well as the Pre-SciMed and SciMed programs of the Medical Faculty.
The IEO also hosts BSc, MSc and MD students that are looking to complete their theses in cancer research, in particular immuno-oncology, or modelling of the immune system. Within our BSc and MSc programs we also offer lab rotations as part of the respective curricula.
Our teaching portfolio includes lecturing, conducting seminars and practical modules, hosting students for lab rotations, as well as supervising students that are looking to complete their BSc and MSc theses.
Thereby we hope that we can contribute to the education of the next generation of clinician scientists.
Accordingly, members of the IEO are regularly involved in the curriculum of our various Bachelor’s and Master’s programs in Life Sciences, the Master’s program in Mathematics, Humanmedizin (Medical School) as well as the Pre-SciMed and SciMed programs of the Medical Faculty.
The IEO also hosts BSc, MSc and MD students that are looking to complete their theses in cancer research, in particular immuno-oncology, or modelling of the immune system. Within our BSc and MSc programs we also offer lab rotations as part of the respective curricula.
Our teaching portfolio includes lecturing, conducting seminars and practical modules, hosting students for lab rotations, as well as supervising students that are looking to complete their BSc and MSc theses.
Teaching for BSc and MSc Students
Master of Science Medical Immunosciences and Infection
Challenges in medical immunosciences/Ringvorlesung (Lectures)IEO principle investigators give a general introduction to their research area and discuss recent projects.
Immuno-oncology (Seminar)
In this interactive seminar, students present and discuss original papers in the field of immune-oncology that have been recently published.
Immunopharmacology and Immune diagnostics (Lectures)
General lectures covering different topics in the field immunomodulatory drugs and diagnostic methods assessing immune system function.
Immunophysiology and immunopathology of specific organs (Lectures)
Lectures covering various topics of basic immunology.
Lab rotation Medical Immunosciences
Practical work under the supervision of IEO staff learning different techniques of tumor immunology and gaining insight into ongoing research projects.
Master of Science Molecular Cell Biology
Module Tumor ImmunologyThis elective module is composed of lectures, seminars and practical courses covering an introduction into tumor immunology and clinical cancer immunotherapy (lectures), a seminar on new developments in cellular therapies for cancer, as well as practical work: NK cell killing of tumor cells, Isolation of peripheral blood lymphocytes, T cell activation assays and cytokine release, multiplex- spectral flow cytometry (FCM) T cells and FCM panel design with principles of analysis.
Master of Science Mathematics
Graduate Seminar on Modeling and Simulation with Partial Differential Equations – Selected topics from cell biology and immunology.Bachelor of Science Molecular Biomedicine (in German language only)
Computerübungen Systembiologie - Einführung in die Programmiersprache Python und in die Analyse mathematischer Modelle.Wahlpflichtmodul C1: Infektionsbiologie, Mikrobiologie, Immunologie
In this elective module, we offer a practical guide how to use CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing technologies for research in immunology (principles of gRNA design, primer design, NGS-based validation, open source software tools for analysis).
Teaching for MD Students
For specific inquiries regarding lab rotations, BSc, MSc and MD doctorate theses please contact the IEO principal investigators of interest.
For general inquiries please contact our scientific coordinator Lisa Assmus at:
For general inquiries please contact our scientific coordinator Lisa Assmus at: